Shoulder workout plan 

Whenever you think about shoulder workouts, several exercises come to your mind, but for beginners, there are some basic exercises that help to strengthen the shoulder, to get in a routine and gives strength for pumping shoulder muscles. Being a beginner,  Lifting heavyweight in the wrong posture can destroy your shoulder muscles and can be permanent damage to the shoulder.

How to Avoid Injury in the shoulder

The strain of a tough workout can increase the injury risk in every part of the body, but the shoulder joint is one area where you need to be especially careful. The lifting heavyweight in the wrong way can permanently disclose cause in the shoulder.
Before we can go all “guns” blazing, we need to know what muscles work during which exercise and how it affects your shoulder. This information is crucial for your next shoulder workout.
The shoulder is made up of three heads, the anterior (front delt), medial (side delt), and posterior (rear delt) and you need to work all three of them, along with the trapezius muscle in the upper back, for a truly satisfying shoulder session.

Types of Shoulder Muscles

To put it into simple terms, your shoulder is made of two groups of muscles which are the intrinsic and extrinsic muscles. The intrinsic muscles originate from the scapula or clavicle and attach to your humerus, whereas the extrinsic muscles originate from our torso and attach to the shoulder.
There are 4 muscles in the extrinsic group and 3 muscles in the intrinsic group of muscles and we will be looking closely at each of these.

Extrinsic Shoulder Muscles


1. Trapezius: This is a triangle-shaped muscle that travels down your spine and moves across your shoulder blade. This muscle supports your arms and shoulders.

2. Latissimus Dorsi: This is one of the largest muscles in your back, and is partially covered by the trapezius.

3. Levator Scapulae: Located on the side and backside of your neck serving the primary function is to lift your scapula which connects the arm to the collarbone.

4. Rhomboids:
These are the muscles at the top of your back and middle of your shoulder edges. When contracting they help pull your shoulder blades together.


Intrinsic Shoulder Muscles

1. Deltoids: Made from three muscle fibers.


2.Lateral and

3.Posterior These are connected by thick tendons and anchored into a V-shape. This muscle is responsible for the rotation of your arm and prevents dislocation.

1. Teres Major:
Located on the underside of the upper arm and supports the latissimus dorsi.

2. Rotator Cuff: This is a group of muscles Intrinsic Shoulder and tendons that keep the upper arm bone effortlessly snuggled into the shoulder socket, preventing dislocations.

Exercises for Shoulder Workout

Here are 5 exercises that will target every muscle in your shoulders for those definite gains and improved strength in your upper body and get in shape and increased size.

Seated Barbell Press

Seated barbell press overhead is compound exercise for front and side (anterior and posterior) shoulder. It gives good comfort for beginners, and prepare you for heavy weight lifting in advance shoulder workout.

How to do it.

1.Sit on a bench with back support in a squat rack. Make the position of the barbell at Hight that just above your head.

2. Grip the barbell with a pronated grip. (palm facing forwards).

3. Lower the bar down slowly to the shoulder as you inhale.

4. Lift the bar starting position as you exhale.

5. Repeat the same in 3sets and keep sets in 15,12 and 10 reps.

6. Keep 30 second time interval in each set for recovery of muscles.


Seated Dumbbell Press

This exercise can help you isolate your shoulder movement while being able to lift a lot more weight because of the freedom that the dumbbells provide you.

How to do it.
1. You need to sit on a bench with your dumbbells at ear level and palms facing outwards, keep back support with bench.

2. Push the dumbbells up with inhale and then back to the starting position with exhale to complete one rep.

3. Repeat the same in 3sets and keep sets in 15 ,12 and 10 reps.

4. Keep 30 second time interval in each set for recovery of muscles.


Seated Lateral Raises

The lateral raise is one of the best exercises for those looking to build shoulders muscles. It’s also a very simple movement basically you just raise weights to the sides and up to shoulder level, then lower them again.

Specifically, lateral raises are considered the best exercise available for working the lateral head of the delts.

How to do it.

1. Sit on the bench with dumbbells in each hand keeping them on the sides, palm towards down.

2. Simultaneously raise both arms until your shoulders are in a straight line and then bring back to the original position.

3. This is generally done with lightweight but more reps.

4. Repeat the same in 3sets and keep sets in 15,12 and 10 reps.

5. Keep 30 second time interval in each set for recovery of muscles.


Seated alternating dumbbell Front Raises

The alternating dumbbell front raise is an isolation movement that hits the shoulders muscles. Which gives strengthens and develops the front (anterior) deltoids. This is a great exercise to really hit those front deltoids.

How to do it.

1. Take a barbell or dumbells and stand straight with your palms facing backward.

2. Lift the weight until your arms are in a straight line in front of you and bring back to the original position to complete one rep.

3. Again, you need to do low weight and more reps.

4. Repeat same in 3 sets and keep sets in 15 ,12 and 10 reps.

5. Keep 30 second time interval in each set for recovery of muscles.


Bent over rear delt raise

Bent-Over Lateral Raises work the posterior deltoid, which the part of the deltoid that’s on the backside of your shoulder. It also works other large muscles in your back, but the posterior delt is the focus of the exercise

How to do it.

1. Stand up straight while holding a dumbbell in hand.

2. Bend upper body portion parallel to floor with the hanging of dumbbell in perpendicular.

3. Inhale, start moving dumbbell upper side, parallel to the floor.

4. After holding for one-second contraction at the top, Exhale, slowly lower the dumbbell s back to the starting position.

5. Repeat the same in 3 sets and keep sets in 15,12 and 10 reps.

6. Keep 30 second time interval in each set for recovery of muscles.



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